The Pastors Advocate Ministry is a ministry where the bishop helps pastors get through transition with their ministry and their family. Bishop notices most pastors are there for their members when they are sick when they have died when they have legal problems, family problems, marriage problems. But who is there for the pastor and leader? Bishop has observed many pastors turn to drugs, alcohol, pornography, destructive relationships, gambling and rambling, overeating to find release. However, Bishop notices it only manifests double jeopardy in the life of the gifted and anointed pastor. Therefore, Bishop is willing to travel and spend time with a pastor who needs counsel without judgment, and he is willing to host a hurting pastor who is about to break down under the pressure., and needs to get away for a season. Also, he is willing to come to be a peacemaker where there is a major battle between members and pastors and a battle between pastors and members. Bishop always brings a righteous word that brings unity and healing among the body of Christ, so that members will respect their leader. Apostal Paul says, Bear one another burdens and fulfill the law of Christ [ Galatians 6:1-3 ]. God has gifted Bishop with word to bring healing and unity among churches. Well, before you leave your church before you leave your wife before you take your life before you take that drink or drug, call Bishop McCaskill. Bishop has been preaching for over 40 years, he has seen the tricks of the adversary. He found out the hard way, no pastor can stand alone in a spiritual battle. Two are better than one.
Steps For Assistance: Call Personal Assistance [704-705-6517] Email mt.sinai62892@gmail.com Write:mindovermatter62892@gmail.com Bishop Assist Ministers : 1. Visit Pastors in the Hospital 2. Eulogy For Pastor's Close Family Members 3. Pray with Pastors amid Spiritual Battles 4. Interceed for Pastors on Request 5. Visit on a Sunday Morning and Preach a Word to Defend and Impart Peace and Unity. 6. Counsel family and marriage with mercy and compassion. 7. Wise Counsel before you make a major decision for family and ministry. 8. Request Counsel through email or phone without mentioning your name. 9. Host you as a guest for a short getaway. 10. Ready to start over in another church, and need connections. 11. No Place is too far or too close. Fees : Bishop will only charge for travel that requires airfare and Hotel cost . Bishop will work with all pastors according their income , when it comes to his service . Bishop will never be a financial burden to any pastor or ministry . |