Mt. Sinai World Outreach Church
Allow the spirit God to lead you to give , those who are led by the spirit of God are the sons and daughters of God . Romans 8:14. Give through Cash app $Sinai1992 : Paypal : Terry McCaskill@mswo : P.0 Box 509 Pendleton SC 29670

                                                                                  MT. SINAI MISSION  MINISTRY
               The Lord told his disciples,  " But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has comes on you, and you will be my witnesses, in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth " [ Acts 1:8 ].
                 Bishop McCaskill has traveled back and forth from Nigeria and Ghana to establish a 
 ministry to reach the masses in the bush. Bishop has partnered with his son Elder Stephen Adawala.  The vision and mission are to build a multipurpose building that will serve as a worship center, resource center, medical clinic, and school to educate the children, We welcome ministers and pastors in the states and outside the state to partner with us in making this happen for the kingdom. If you desire to partner with us, please email us at He lives in the US now but he still travels abroad in the mission field.