Mt. Sinai World Outreach Church
Allow the spirit God to lead you to give , those who are led by the spirit of God are the sons and daughters of God . Romans 8:14. Give through Cash app $Sinai1992 : Paypal : Terry McCaskill@mswo : P.0 Box 509 Pendleton SC 29670
                                       MISSION ASSISTANCE    
 Mt. Sinai believes faith without works is dead. We believe cheap grace recognizes problems,  true faith participates in resolving the problem in the believer's life and the unbeliever's life. James said, " What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith, but has no deed? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, Go in peace, keep warm and well fed, but does nothing about their physical need, what good is it? In the same, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, dead"[ James 2:14-17]. Therefore because we are a church of faith and mercy, we are here to serve those that are members and none members, believers and nonbelievers. If you need assistance, please email us at Call us at 864- 720-5762. Please give us 24hrs to respond to your important need. Also, call this number 864-305-3998: We are adopting families for Thanksgiving and Christmas: please call a month in advance. 
                                     Dietrich Bonhoeffer says," Once a man and woman has truly experienced the mercy of God in this life, he henceforth aspire only to serve" .