Mt. Sinai World Outreach Church
Allow the spirit God to lead you to give , those who are led by the spirit of God are the sons and daughters of God . Romans 8:14. Give through Cash app $Sinai1992 : Paypal : Terry McCaskill@mswo : P.0 Box 509 Pendleton SC 29670

Mt. Sinai Outreach Ministries

Mt. Sinai Outreach Ministries have been established to restore our brothers and sisters. The outreach ministry is an act of faith; it exemplifies a gospel that's willing to bear the burden of all people. “Bear one another's burdens and for fill the law of Christ “{Galatians 6:1-2}.

AIDS MINISTRY: The HIV AND AIDS Ministry is a ministry that reaches out to those who have family members that have HIV or AIDS. The ministry also informs our community and churches about the disease that's affects all cultures. The Aids ministry supports agencies that care for HIV and AIDS. The HIV AND AIDS ministry encourages many to make commitment to Christ and to get involved in ministry; this ministry supports the AIDS victim spiritually, emotionally and financially. Jesus said “I came not in this world to condemn the world, but to save the world {John 3:17}.

Drug Ministry: The Drug ministry is a ministry that reaches out to those who struggle with addiction in the church and outside the church .The ministry has established support groups that help our brothers and sisters to walk in recovery or deliverance. We have established AA/NA relationship to have meetings at the church. Also, we have established ministries with drug rehabs through setting up services and bible studies in their institution. Also, we help our brother and sister adjust to life after they leave rehab, by getting them involve in ministry. “The strong should bear the infirmities of the weak “{Romans 15:1}.

Homeless Ministry: The Homeless ministry reaches out to people who are living in the streets, hotels, cars. The homeless ministry provides clothes, food and counseling, assistance. Also, we minister to the soul through the teaching and preaching of the Word .The homeless ministry is concerned about the soul, mind, body {Matthew 25:42-25}.

Mission Ministry: The Mission ministry reaches out to the oppress people in other countries such as Nigeria and Accra Ghana Africa. We focus on salvation, education and liberation {Mark 16:15}.

Evangelistic MInistry

Evangelistic Ministry : The evanglelsitic ministry is a ministry that spreads the gospel through 
                                        witnessing and marketing the gospel through social media, and having 
                                        block services and tent revials to win souls for Christ. The evanglistic 
                                         ministry  withness in the   crime infested areas, the area where 
                                         their is gang violence and  drug trafficing.  

Homeless Ministry

Mt. Sinai World Outreach Ministry started in 2010 reaching those who were in the inner city of Greenville SC. 
The Homeless Ministry allowed over 100 men to stay in the church on Old Pete Hollis Rd. Greenville SC.                                We served over 200 people a day. We provided breakfast and dinner every day. We provided clothes and 
NA, and AA meetings . We provided Bible studies and empowerment meetings. We provided transportation 
to those who had a job. We provided housing for men who were serious about change. The Homeless Ministry 
Shelter was sustained by Tithes and Offerings, however, do to financial changes in our budget, we had to 
close the Shelter down in 2013. Therefore, we only provide clothes and food, and referrals. Contact us 

Homosexuality Ministry

Homosexuality Ministry : It is a ministry that reaches out to homosexual that are suicidal, and lead 
                                              them to experience a path of salvation, where Christ will make them new 
                                               creature, give them a mind to live above the haters and discrimination 
                                              rejection that have faced with their family and parents. The foundation
                                              of this ministry  to lead men and women in path of righteousness through 
                                              love and compassion. John 3:17  

Marriage Ministry

Marriage Couples  Ministry : The marriage couples  ministry focuses on young couples gain knowledge 
                                    about the  precepts of God concerning marriage, this ministry  seeks to empower 
                                   the older couples  new methods in enhancing growth in marriage. The 
                                   marraige ministryy  is a safe place for married couples to be real about 
                                   issues that affect and defect marriages. The goal of the marraiage  ministry s
                                  to help couples lto ast through the storms and the test. The marriage couples 
                                 empowers the couples to reach out to the lost in realationships.  

Singles Ministry

Singles MInitsry : The singles ministry is not a place to me meet men and women .Biut iit s a place where singles 
                                  can ehance their knowledge  about the proper ways in seeking a Godly woman or man.
                                  The singles ministry empowers  men and women with the tools  to be effective 
                                   in their relationship with God and oher relatioship.  

Prison Ministry

Prison Ministry : The purpose  of this ministry to empower men and women through the teaching of the Word of God .
We will empower them to be free through the Word and righteous mentorship. We do more than  share the Word  ,we assist them ,and help them  adjust in society  when they get out of prison. We provide support by assisting them  in getting a job and finding a place to live ,and a place to worship on Sundays . Contact Number : 980-242-5344